Grief and Bereavement
“This experience has had a very strong impact on me. It was exactly what I needed. The facilitator was outstanding and the other members open and empathetic. Thank you so much.”
Grief group member
Grieving is a natural process—it has no expiration date and it is different for everyone. Sometimes people are surprised at the intensity of their physical and emotional pain they feel and at the length of time they feel this way. Hospice Wellington is here to offer support for you when you have been affected by death and are mourning the loss of a loved one. You may find our groups, workshops or one-to-one support groups helpful. Grief can feel very lonely and isolating. Attending a grief and bereavement support group is a reminder that you are not alone.
Three to six months following the loss of a loved one, individuals may feel ready to partake in a Grief and Bereavement group.
There is no cost to participate.
Please visit our Program Guide or call 519-836-3921ext 228 for more information.
Programs Include:
Peer Support Group
Hospice Wellington offers grief and bereavement support to adults who have experienced the death of a loved one either by sudden death or death due to any illness.
These groups offer companionship and understanding from others who have experienced a similar loss, and are experiencing the similar challenges that living with grief brings. They supply emotional support in a safe and non-judgmental environment and coping skills to help you through the most difficult days of your grief journey. We hope you will find opportunities to discover new traditions and ideas to keep loved ones present in your hearts and in your memories.
Spousal Loss Grief Support Group
Hospice Wellington offers grief and bereavement supports to individuals who have experienced the death of a spouse either by sudden death or death due to any illness. Spousal loss can often be one of the hardest losses we will encounter. These groups offer companionship and understanding from others who have experienced a similar loss, and are experiencing similar challenges that living with grief brings. They supply emotional support in a safe and non-judgmental environment and coping skills to help you through the most difficult days of your grief journey. We hope you will find opportunities to discover new traditions and ideas to keep loved ones present in your hearts and in your memories
One-to-One Bereavement Support Program
Hospice Wellington offers one-to-one volunteer companionship for clients who would like to be supported on an individual basis. Individuals will be matched with a trained Hospice Wellington volunteer. Clients can have conversations with the volunteer to express their thoughts and feelings, in a non-judgmental environment.
Grief Education Workshops
Grief education workshops are open to the public and may be attended by clients, volunteers and staff.  These 90 minutes workshops are designed to gently introduce common themes in griefwork. Each one of us carries our own life experiences connected to grief. Through interactive discussion together, we will explore each topic. These workshops are meant to encourage thought and help support you during this difficult time.
“Walking Group offers excellent opportunities to meet and share experiences from a commonly shared situation. Excellent opportunity for emotional support; and physical activity!”
-Bereavement Walking Group client 2018
Our Bereavement Walking Grousp ar available weekly, in Guelph and Mount Forest. These groups are facilitated by a hospice staff and volunteers who guide clients through warm-up exercises, followed by outdoor or indoor walking, and closes with gentle stretching.
This group aims to provide a gentle encounter with grief processing. Clients are invited to connect with others in a peer support model or are welcome to listen without sharing.
How to register
Please call 519-836-3921 ext 228 to speak to a coordinator for more information.