Staying at Hospice
It feels different here. Hospice is about living before dying and our beautiful spaces give families the opportunity to share their life stories and celebrate special moments.
Hospice Wellington has a 10-bed residence to provide palliative care for those who are at the end-of-life. We care for and support residents and their families. Our compassionate team has expertise in palliative care training and is here 24 hours 7 days a week to care for you with the dignity and respect you deserve.
Our at-home setting feels warm and cozy and is a tranquil space for families. One family member whose mom died at Hospice says she is forever grateful for the “journal in every room, the quiet spaces for her teens, spare phone chargers, family time at the dinner table, books and music for support, the beautiful garden, fresh homemade apple crisp. All the little touches that make such a big difference.”
Accessing our residence services
If you would like to come to our residence, you must:
- Have a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness.
- Have a prognosis of less than 3 months.
- Have a care approach plan that is palliative not curative.
- Reside in or have relatives living in the Waterloo-Wellington region.
- Have a valid OHIP card.
- Have a Residential Referral Form completed byHome and Community Care Support Services Care Coordinator.
To ensure the specialized hospice care we provide is directed to those most appropriate to our services and care, we work diligently with Partner agencies/ Hospitals and Home and Community Care Support Services to prioritize admission of a Resident to Hospice Wellington. We are extremely aware of the need to provide palliative care services to a growing and aging population with increased needs. We are made aware every day of the burden that caregivers feel during the time they are trying to care for a loved one at home. We know they are often overwhelmed and exhausted, which highlights the need for providing a full spectrum of services to include emotional and spiritual care.
Admission is prioritized by need. For more information, please read our Admission Guidelines. You can also call our residence at 519-822-6660 for further information, or to schedule a tour so we can take you through our facility and answer any questions you may have.
Virtual Hospice is a great reference site for information and support on palliative and end-of-life care and grief. Click here for Canadian Virtual Hospice.