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Hospice Wellington Fundraising

Our signature events & campaigns help us raise vital funds that support the care and services that we provide.

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Retro Royale

Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 06:00 PM
Duration: 4 hours

February 13th marks the 2nd 80’s Retro Royale in support of Hospice Wellington. This totally wonderful event will raise funds for Hospice Wellington's end-of-life supportive programs and services, including a special focus on our event Fund-A-Need, to be announced in the months ahead.

 Hospice Wellington's Retro Royale presented by Andra Arnold & Associates

Click here for more information or to purchase your tickets

Don't Miss out on the chance top be a Sponsor for the RETRO ROYALE- Click here to see our sponsorship package!

February 13, 2025 at the Delta Hotels by Marriott - 50 Stone Road West, Guelph ON


Ticket Price $120 per guest OR $1000 for a table of 10 guests

For all of us who remember the 80’s or have heard about them, come on out to have some fun.  Guests are encouraged to get into the 80s theme by dressing in retro-wear or 80's inspired costumes.  There will be prizes for individuals and tables for most spirited, best costumes, and other fun moments.

Event includes Live Auction, Silent Auction, Amazing 80s inspired food stations, music, and social media photo stations, retro candy, plus more exciting fundraisers, chances to win, 80s surprises, and more!

Click here for more information or to purchase your tickets

 For sponsorship information or to donate a prize to The Retro Royale - please email Phil at pgourlay@hospicewellington.org


Tree of Remembrance

Monday, December 02, 2024

December 2-23 at Stone Road Mall

The Tree of Remembrance occurs every December and is a long-standing holiday campaign for Hospice Wellington to bring awareness and much needed funds for our end of life services and support programming. Seasonal ornaments are sold for $12 each within the community. Visit our ornament table at Stone Road Mall in Guelph throughout the month of December to purchase your holiday ornaments and/or make a festive donation to Hospice. We also will sell ornaments throughout Wellington County (see list below).  One of the most important parts of this campaign is that those purchasing ornaments can place a Remembrance Tag on our Tree of Remembrance to honour their loved one that they have lost. 

Unable to purchase an ornament but want to celebrate the holiday season?  Make a donation to Hospice Wellington here and select Tree of Remembrance when allocating your festive donation.

SPECIAL THANK YOU to Andra Arnold for being our Ornament Sponsor again this year, we appreciate your dedication to Hospice Wellington!


Other locations for 2024 to get your Tree of Remembrance ornaments

  • Sussman's Of Arthur will be selling ornaments in Arthur.
  • Erin Legion will be selling ornaments in December in Erin.
  • WCMA Christmas Market at the Wellington County Museum in Fergus on November 29th and November 30th.

In addition, you can pick up your ornament at Hospice Wellington starting December 2nd on both the residence and community levels.

Special thank you to Laurie Rogers who also takes ornaments up to the Elora area in November and December to help sell.