"This beautiful residence gave us time to be together as a family. We are so thankful for the care and comfort we received while we were at Hospice Wellington. It was an opportunity for us to share stories and continue to make memories together."
Daughter of a past resident
It feels different here. Hospice is about living before dying and our beautiful spaces give families the opportunity to share their life stories and celebrate special moments.
Care Delivery
Hospice Wellington will provide palliative care in the Hospice Residence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet the needs of residents, family and individuals identified by the resident as their informal caregivers. Comprehensive, holistic and interdisciplinary care will be provided as indicated in the resident's care plan. Individualized care will be delivered by Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses in good standing with the Collage of Nurses of Ontario, Personal Support Workers, Physicians, Volunteers, students and the Interdisciplinary Team members.
Care Planning and Assessments
Hospice Wellington Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses in collaboration with the resident, interdisciplinary team, the substitute decision maker (SDM) or power of attorney (POA) will identify the resident’s goals of care and initiate care plans according to the Domains of Issues associated with illness and bereavement. Care plans will be initiated within 24 hours of the resident’s admission. Care plans will be based on initial assessments and ongoing assessments of the resident. Nurses will work in collaboration with the resident and or the substitute decision maker or power of attorney to identify the resident’s goals of care. Nurses will explain service options available at Hospice Wellington and include the expected outcomes, risks, benefits and alternative options including declining a service. All conversations regarding goals of care and care plans will be documented on InfoAnywhere under “Client Notes”. Care plans will be documented on InfoAnywhere under the “Care Plan” section.
Hospice Wellington’s Residence service exists to provide high quality palliative care to residents who are at the end of their life. Hospice Wellington will follow an equitable and transparent process that guides admission, eligibility, exclusion, referral wait list and discharge. Hospice Wellington must provide an equitable and comprehensive admission process to ensure that resident needs can be met within Hospice Wellington and optimal end-of-life care can be provided. Eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Have a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness;
- Have a prognosis of 3 months or less;
- Have a care approach plan that is palliative not curative;
- Reside in or relatives living in the Waterloo-Wellington region;
- A signed DNR;
- 18 years of age or older;
- Does not require Bariatric care or equipment (weight restrictions below 250lbs);
- Have a valid OHIP card;
- Have a Residential Referral Form completed by a family physician, Ontario Health atHome care coordinator, discharge planner in hospital, or palliative care specialist.
- Informed consent to hospice referral